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SSE acquires gas assets from Hess

Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) agreed to perform an acquisition of natural gas production assets in the North Sea from Hess Corporation’s European unit. The cost of the transaction is £278 million and will include 18% stakes hold by Hess Corporation in a gas pipeline operated by BP.

read more... 03/02/2011


PetroChina to acquire 50% stake in Ineos’ Lavera and Grangemouth

PetroChina will buy a 50% stake in two projects of the European oil-refining company, Ineos worth $1.02bn.

read more... 02/02/2011


Max Petroleum provides a production test of UTS-1 well in Kazakhastan

Max Petroleum, an oil and gas exploration company, based in UK, will provide a production test at its UTS-1 well, at the Uytas field in western Kazakhstan.

read more... 01/02/2011


Iran is planning to open a new oil refinery in the Middle East

According to Teheran Times, Iran is planning to put into operation the biggest oil refinery in the Middle East, called Shazand in the next few days.

read more... 01/02/2011


Exxon Mobil drills a record long well at Sakhalin-1, Russia

Exxon Neftegas, the subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation announced that it has drilled an extended-reach (ERD) well with a world record length at the Sakhalin-1 Project in the Odoptu field, offshore Russia.

read more... 31/01/2011
