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Daily: French and German electricity spot prices traded at par at 33.5 Eur/MWh

Crude oil dropped by 1 percent or more on Monday on a decline in Chinese demand and concerns that OPEC’s decision to hold its output threshold could prolong the actual oversupply, even if a weaker dollar slashed losses. Chinese imports slipped by more than 6 percent, against a 10 percent drop in exports. Brent crude lost 62 cents, or 1 percent, to settle at $62.69 a barrel. U.S. crude fell 1.7 percent, or 99 cents, to close at $58.14.

read more... 09/06/2015


Operators offer UK-Belgium electricity link agreements to Siemens, Sumitomo

Belgium's Elia and Britain's National Grid have offered two contracts together estimated at approximately 500 million euros ($558.35 million) to construct the first electricity trade cable between Britain and Belgium to Siemens and a division of Sumitomo Electric Industries.

read more... 09/06/2015


Croatian power exchange agreement to increase Balkan electricity connections

Croatia's power exchange CROPEX has inked an agreement with European energy exchange Nord Pool Spot to establish a day-ahead market by the end of the year, a move that will offer the European Union's newest member access to larger electricity markets.

read more... 05/06/2015


Siemens inks 8 billion euro electricity agreement with Egypt

German industrial firm Siemens inked an 8 billion euro agreement ($9 billion) with Egypt on Wednesday to provide gas and wind electricity plants to increase the North African country's power production by 50 percent.

read more... 04/06/2015


Japan’s atomic power to account for 20-22 % of total power mix by 2030

The Japan Natural Resources and Energy advisory committee, a body affiliated with Japan's industry ministry, has backed the controversial government plan for atomic energy to generate 20-22 percent of the country's electricity by 2030.

read more... 03/06/2015
