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Deutsche Bank and Green Climate Fund ink an agreement to increase private finance

Deutsche Bank and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) have inked an agreement to increase private funding for environmental action.

read more... 26/05/2017


Corporacion America vends Uruguay wind parks to Spain's Saeta

Argentine holding firm Corporacion America declared on Wednesday it vended two wind parks in the bordering country of Uruguay to Spanish renewable energy producer Saeta Yield for $230 million.

read more... 25/05/2017


Switzerland votes to phase out nuclear in favour of renewables

Switzerland has voted to abandon nuclear power in favour of renewable energy. A decision was taken after a public referendum to adopt an energy plan that will eventually replace all nuclear energy with solar, wind and hydropower generation.

read more... 24/05/2017


Germany: A capacity of 807 MW approved at onshore wind parks

Germany approved a capacity of 807 megawatts (MW) at onshore wind parks on Friday, stating the price at which it granted the projects was below expectations in a sign that competition in the industry will lead to lower prices for users.

read more... 22/05/2017


EU approves France’s plan to develop 17 gigawatts of renewable energy

It has been announced last week that EU has approved France’s plan to develop three different schemes for the expansion of around 17 GW of onshore wind, solar, and sewage gas installations in the country.

read more... 15/05/2017
