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Statoil: global energy demand up 40% by 2040

Global energy demand is expected to increase by more than 40 per cent towards 2040, according to Statoil’s annual outlook for global economics and energy markets – Energy Perspectives 2012, as economic output more than doubles and prosperity expands across a world whose population will grow to nearly 9 billion people. Meanwhile, by 2030, global oil demand is set to reach a plateau level of around 100 million barrels per day, as gas and renewables account for a greater share of the energy mix.

read more... 22/06/2012


France considers a carbon tariff on EU imports

The newly elected administration in France is looking to revive the idea of putting a carbon tax on all goods imported from outside Europe, meaning that all manufacturers outside the EU should buy carbon permits from the EU's emissions trading scheme (EU-ETS).

read more... 23/05/2012


UK favors the shift from renewable to new CO2 targets

According to the UK energy and climate chief, Edward Davey, Europe should focus on cutting carbon emissions rather than dealing with a set of green policy targets that expire at the end of the decade.

read more... 16/05/2012


Italian solar market to drop in 2012

Italian solar power market is likely to decrease to 1,500-2500 MW in 2012 due to a planned cut in incentives following a strong increase in 2011 endorsed by a special decree placing Italy on the top among global solar markets. Italian solar power market is the world’s second largest one and a precise forecast for further its maturing appears to be a difficult problem.

read more... 09/05/2012


UK to allocate up to £60 million to speed up the CCS technology in emerging markets

In order to stimulate the development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology in emerging markets, Climate Change Minister, Greg Barker has announced the allocation of up to £60 million ($96m).

read more... 26/04/2012
