Latest news

Total invests in solar, EREN and GreenFlex, aiming renewables growth

Total increases its share in renewables by investing in solar and wind energy producer EREN RE and energy efficiency company GreenFlex.

read more... 20/09/2017


Scottish scientists obtained hydrogen from tidal energy for the first time

A Scottish research and demonstration centre declared being the first in producing the hydrogen gas from the tidal energy.

read more... 15/09/2017


NEC battery storage system for Swiss

EKZ will get an 18 MW battery storage system from the Japanese NEC

read more... 11/09/2017


Investments in climate projects, top priority for Sweden

An investment plan of SEK5 billion (£485m) in environmental and climate projects has been announced by the Swedish Government.

read more... 06/09/2017


A 50% reduction in onshore wind costs is possible by 2030

A 50% reduction in onshore wind costs is possible by 2030

read more... 05/09/2017
