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Belgium will depend all winter on electricity imports

Belgium will have to import electricity every week this winter in case of cold snap and amid weak wind and solar energy output. The situation in Belgium is very tense, with the country becoming structurally dependent on imports after being deprived of several nuclear reactors.

read more... 02/12/2014


Sweden: Vattenfall to put on standby its nuclear plans

Swedish power group Vattenfall, will give up its plans to build new nuclear power reactors because of a new government, including Green Party, which is not supporting them, setting up an energy commission tasked with achieving a 100% renewable electricity system.

read more... 01/12/2014


E.ON to split in two its business to focus on renewables

E.ON, the largest utility in Germany, unveiled it plans to split in two its business after a crisis hit the European energy sector.

read more... 01/12/2014


Italy: final agreement to vend grid asset stakes to China

Italy has closed a final agreement to vend minority stakes in power grid company Terna and gas network operator Snam to a Chinese state-owned electricity group and Italian investors for 2.4 billion euros ($3 billion).

read more... 28/11/2014


Bosnia: EPBIH vends 2015 electricity surplus for $87 million

Bosnia's major electricity utility EPBiH has chosen five companies to purchase 1,600 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of its 2015 power excess for approximately 70 million euros ($87 million), as stated by an official of EPBiH on Thursday.

read more... 28/11/2014
