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Germany sets a new solar PV power record since January to September

German production output from solar generation climbed nearly to 51% year-on-year since January to September, being backed by increased photovoltaic installation activity and a high number of sunshine hours, according to data released by the German Association of Energy and water Industries (BDEW).

read more... 06/11/2012


Gazprom unveils a major gas project to conquer Asia

Russia’s gas giant Gazprom is planning to invest tens billions of dollars to build a 3,200km pipeline from East Siberia to the Pacific port of Vladivostok, as it pledges to lessen its reliance on exports to Europe and develop Asian markets.

read more... 01/11/2012


Vestas to reach 3000 MW of installed capacity in Italy

Vestas has achieved 3000MW of installed capacity in Italy, which accounts for 40% of the total installed wind energy in the country and 25% of its renewable energy obligation under EU 2020 targets.

read more... 31/10/2012


A hike in UK coal consumption may jeopardize the climate change targets

According to some data released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the rate of coal consumption in the UK thermal power generators remains at its highest levels since 2006, with the country thermal consumption at electricity generators up by 37% in comparison to the same period last year, up to 35.1 million metric tons.

read more... 29/10/2012


Spanish utility Iberdrola to sell 5 bilion euros in assets to curb its debt

Spain’s largest utility Iberdrola is planning to slash investments and to sell as much as 5 billion euros ($6.5 billion) in assets as part of a strategic plan that aims to curb debt and maintain profitability.

read more... 25/10/2012
