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DECC publishes solar, biomass incentives package for 2013-2017

The UK‘s government established a 5-year plan on Tuesday to spur the solar and biomass investment needed to achieve the country's 2020 green energy targets.

read more... 19/12/2012


Main aspects of British proposed power market reform

Britain proposed legislation for a major overhaul of its electricity market that will encourage investment in low-carbon types of energy to help meet legally binding emissions-reduction targets. The government faces the challenge of keeping bills affordable for consumers while ensuring intermittent renewable energy is backed up by stand-by power plants and safeguarding tax revenues from oil and gas exploration.

read more... 12/12/2012


GDF Suez: Income is expected to fall next year as demand slows due to economic crisis

GDF Suez, Europe’s largest utility by market value, has announced this week that income for next year will register a decrease as the economic crisis in the region slows demand. According to GDF Suez, European demand for natural gas is down 14% since 2010 while power by 25 %, so it plans to cut its share of profit from Europe and is looking to double LNG sales to emerging markets.

read more... 11/12/2012


Germany sets new legislation to avoid electricity blackouts

The German parliament adopted a law aimed to curb blackouts by easing 3 GW of capacity, as the country’s costly nuclear phase-out and fluctuating renewable are threatening its power grid.

read more... 04/12/2012


Germany: 100% renewable electricity supply by 2050

Germany has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% below the 1990 levels by 2020 and by 80-85 % by 2050. In order to reach such a goal, Germany plans to transform its electricity supply system to completely renewable based electricity. In the first six months of 2012, the amount of electricity produced from renewable energy rose from 20% to 25%, bringing the country closer to its targets of 35% by 2020 and 80% by 2050.

read more... 27/11/2012
