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Tauron CEO declared Poland needs to fuse its electricity groups

Poland has to merge some of its four largest state-run electricity firms soon to create bigger players able to compete on the European market, as stated by the CEO of the country's second major power producer Tauron on Friday.

read more... 02/11/2015


Investment of £132 million in North West England electricity network

An investment estimated at £132 million was made in the last 12 months to improve the electricity network in North West England.

read more... 29/10/2015


Germany will begin the transfer to coal power reserve in winter 2016

German utilities RWE, Vattenfall and Mibrag will begin cutting their coal-fired electricity production at the start of winter 2016, transferring this capacity instead to the country's power reserve as part of a plan to reduce carbon emissions, as stated by the government.

read more... 26/10/2015


BP inks a gas supply agreement of $10 billion with China's Huadian

Oil major BP has inked a $10 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply agreement with China's Huadian electricity producer, signing the deal as part of Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain.

read more... 22/10/2015


Ofgem will spur more competition in constructing onshore electricity infrastructure

Ofgem is analyzing on how to tender out new onshore power transmission infrastructure projects estimated £100m or more. The first tender might take place in 2017.

read more... 22/10/2015
