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E.ON wants to sell Terni plant for 1 billion euros

German utility E.ON seeks to vend its most important asset in Italy, a 531 megawatt (MW) hydro-power plant estimated at minimum 1 billion euros ($1.13 billion), in the first semester of this year, as stated by some people acquainted with the agreement.

read more... 30/01/2015


EDF declares first Taishan nuclear plant to be completed end 2015

French utility EDF anticipates the first of two nuclear reactors under construction in China, which have been issue to frequent postponements, to be finished at the end of this year.

read more... 30/01/2015


EEX will start trading of Nordic, Swiss and Spanish power futures

The European Energy Bourse, EEX, declared on Monday it will start exchange trading of Nordic, Spanish and Swiss electricity futures on February 16, improving them from membership of its trade registration method.

read more... 27/01/2015


EDF tries to find alternatives for $17bn distribution network RTE

French electric utility firm Electricite de France (EDF) wants to either sell stake or choose a partial offshoot of its French distribution network Reseau de Transport d’Electricite (RTE) this year.

read more... 26/01/2015


EU regulators set a February 23 deadline to clear GE acquisition of Alstom’s power equipment business

European Union antitrust regulators have fixed a February 23 deadline for a decision on whether to clear General Electric's programmed acquisition of most of French engineering conglomerate Alstom's electricity equipment business.

read more... 21/01/2015
