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Hungary will begin constructing new nuclear blocks in 2018

Hungary intends to start building two new blocks at its Paks nuclear power plant, which provides approximately 40 percent of the country's electricity requirements, in 2018, as stated by Government Commissioner Attila Aszodi on Tuesday.

read more... 18/11/2015


CEZ intends to bring idle reactors back on line this year

Czech electricity producer CEZ intends to bring all three idle units at its Dukovany nuclear electricity station back online this year to end continued outages that cut into 2015 earnings.

read more... 12/11/2015


Germany's EnBW increases German retail electricity prices next year

Germany's third-largest utility EnBW declared on Monday it will increase retail power prices for the majority of the customers by 2.4 percent from Jan. 1, 2016, quoting higher network charges and a rising share of state-induced charges.

read more... 10/11/2015


Top 20 countries with largest electricity generation in 2014

Total electricity generated by 20 biggest power generators in the world was 22,432.6 TWh in 2014 — which was up (+) 1.40% than the year before.

read more... 05/11/2015


GE purchases and combines Alstom to function as GE Power

General Electric (GE) has purchased the electricity and grid operations unit from French Alstom and combined it to form GE Power, subsequent to regulatory approvals in more than 20 countries and regions.

read more... 05/11/2015
