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Russia and China to boost energy cooperation

China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) and the Russian energy giant Rosneft agreed to build a Sino-Russian oil refinery in Tianjin, northern China, until the end of this year. The refinery will be built by the Russian-Chinese joint venture and is estimated to cost about 4.62 billion U.S. dollars.

read more... 24/05/2011


The DANISH ENERGY STRATEGY 2050 is unveiled

The Danish government has disclosed its “Energy Strategy 2050” which is aimed to achieve the country’s independence from coal, oil and gas by 2050 and significantly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

read more... 23/05/2011


Daily energy Overview, Thursday, May 20, 2011

Oil increased on Friday driven more by a weaker dollar and firmer stock markets in Europe and Asia than by supply and demand fundamentals. Oil prices consolidated this week after both crudes lost between $15 and $20 in the prior two weeks. By 10:00 GMT, U.S. light crude oil futures for June, which will expire later on Friday, traded at $99.08 per barrel, up 64 cents, after hitting an intra-day high of $99.60. Meanwhile, Brent crude for July traded at $111.87, up 45 cents.

read more... 20/05/2011


EU's new Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

The EU’s Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators was launched in Ljubljana, Slovenia, during a ceremony at which have participated high officials such as the EU energy commissioner, Gunther Oettinger and the prime minister of Slovenia, Borut Pahor.

read more... 20/05/2011


Gazprom and Total to jointly explore Bolivian energy fields

According to the head of Bolivian energy company, YPFB, declarations, Bolivia and Gazprom may sign an agreement within the next weeks to allow Gazprom to explore of hydrocarbons.

read more... 19/05/2011
