Latest news

Green bonds cut 515,000 tonnes of emissions in Sweden

The Swedish Local Government Funding Agency backed green bonds which slashed yearly emissions by approximately 515,000 tonnes.

read more... 17/04/2018


Apple is fully powered by clean energy

Apple decided to switch from fossil fuels to ecologically clean sources. Company’s officials declared that the firm is now 100% powered by green energy.

read more... 11/04/2018


Google acquires more green energy than it uses

Google purchased more power from solar and wind farms than consumed by its operations in 2017.

read more... 06/04/2018


Record renewable energy produced in Portugal

Portugal generated more power from green sources than it needed last month.

read more... 05/04/2018


EBRD will provide €150,000 for green solutions in Serbia

The EBRD has launched a new scheme to allocate €150,000 (£132,000) to encourage Serbian small businesses develop and implement high-tech climate-friendly solutions.

read more... 19/03/2018
