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Lithuania electricity prices attain record low on imports from Sweden

Lithuania power prices dropped to a record low last week since imports from the Nordic countries increase via a new underwater electricity connection to Sweden, as stated by the Baltic state's grid operator Litgrid on Tuesday.

read more... 24/02/2016


Nordic power bourse likely to expand in Europe

Nordic power exchange Nord Pool is likely to expand spot electricity trading to Germany, France and Belgium next year, to compete with French-German EPEX Spot, as stated by its chief executive.

read more... 22/02/2016


Germany rejects EU plan for surcharge on industry for renewable energy

Germany has rejected as undesirable European Commission plans to make industrial companies producing their own electricity pay a levy to aid fund a transition to green energy, as indicated in an economy ministry paper.

read more... 18/02/2016


Northern Powergrid receives £250 million loan from EIB to upgrade its infrastructure

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has agreed to provide GBP 250 million for investment over two years by Northern Powergrid to upgrade electricity distribution infrastructure and reinforce the electricity network.

read more... 15/02/2016


Daily: European electricity forward prices at fresh lows, carbon market depressed

Oil prices rose by around 5 percent on Friday after comments by the energy minister of OPEC-member United Arab Emirates sparked hopes of a coordinated output reduction, yet analysts declared such a move remained improbable and that oversupply would continue.

read more... 12/02/2016
