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BP hit by another oil spill in Alaska

BP reported a new oil leak in Alaska, thing which could definitely break its reputation, already hit after US Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010.

read more... 20/07/2011


Russian-British TNK-BP to acquire 45% stake in Brazil deposit

The Russian-British joint venture TNK-BP is in talks with Brazil’s Petro Energia to buy 45% in an oil and gas deposit in Brazil's Solimoes region for $1 billion.

read more... 19/07/2011


ENI and PDVSA in a $2 billion financing deal

The Italian energy company, ENI, signed a $2 billion financing agreement with Venezuela's Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) to jointly develop oil projects in the Orinoco River basin and build a power plant in eastern Venezuela.

read more... 18/07/2011


UK energy drilling declines to a nine-year low

Energy companies operating in the UK North Sea, drilled 50 % fewer wells compared with April to June of 2010, mainly due to tax increases, reaching the lowest level in the second quarter since nine years, according to the industry figures.

read more... 15/07/2011


Daily Energy Market Overview, Friday, July 15, 2011

Oil price dropped on Friday on a weaker dollar after the warning from the ratings agency Standard & Poor's about a possible credit rating cut of the Unites States. Brent crude for September decreased by 58 cents to $115.68 a barrel by 10:01 GMT, after the expiry of the August contract on Thursday at $118.32. Meanwhile, U.S. crude prices decreased 11 cents to $95.58 after having lost more than $2 on Thursday.

read more... 15/07/2011
