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Next EU commission to push for global carbon pricing

Extending carbon pricing to the rest of the world will be a key priority for the EU commissioners due to take up their posts in 2024, according to the European Commission’s top climate action bureaucrat.

read more... 08/09/2023


Germany's wind power expansion stalls on the roads

Germany's wind power expansion is facing an unexpected roadblock: builders need permits to transport the heavy turbines down the country's roads, and they are waiting months to get them.

read more... 08/09/2023


EU still facing significant energy risks

The EU still faces significant energy risks heading into winter, despite being far better prepared than this time last year, a senior European Commission official said on Thursday.

read more... 08/09/2023


Daily (07.09.2023): Gas prices retreated on Wednesday due to postponed strikes at Australian LNG plants

On Wednesday, crude oil prices edged higher as traders expected reductions in U.S. crude due to ongoing production cuts in both Saudi Arabia and Russia. Hence, Brent crude rose by 0.6% to $90.60 a barrel, while WTI crude increased by about 1% to $87.54 a barrel.

read more... 07/09/2023


Spain proposes amendments to EU power market overhaul

Spain, which holds the presidency of the European Union until December, has proposed several amendments to help pass a key piece of legislation that would overhaul the bloc's electricity market, a document showed.

read more... 07/09/2023
