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France Boosts Energy Transition Investments In 2024 Budget

The French government will significantly increase public spending on green energy projects while curbing the support to households to help them with the high energy prices, according to the 2024 budget.

read more... 28/09/2023


France Announces Ambitious Plan To Cut Hydrocarbon Dependence And Emissions

Emmanuel Macron has announced a plan to reduce the dependence of France on oil, gas, and coal and reduce national emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030.

read more... 26/09/2023


France readies to integrate EU climate targets into its energy strategy

Paris will incorporate EU climate targets in its upcoming environmental and energy planning laws, Energy Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher’s entourage said this week, playing down delays in submitting France’s updated National Energy and Climate Plan to Brussels.

read more... 18/09/2023


Nuclear gets a boost from Europe's new green energy targets

European lawmakers bowed to pressure from France to allow nuclear power to be used for ammonia and hydrogen production in order to pass new legally binding targets to expand renewable energy development in the European Union.

read more... 14/09/2023


French bank launches PPA guarantee scheme

French state-owned bank Bpifrance has launched a guarantee scheme aimed at helping industrial consumers sign up to 500 MW of cumulative long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs).

read more... 12/09/2023
