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Gazprom’s clients to be able to renegotiate natural gas prices

Gazprom has promised to allow its clients to renegotiate gas prices if they do not correspond to the Western Europe market average rates. The statement was made by Ricardo Cardoso in an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio.

read more... 20/03/2017


Mediterranean's Levant Basin to be explored by Total, Eni, Exxon Mobil and Qatar Petroleum

France's Total, Italy's Eni, Exxon Mobil and Qatar Petroleum received the green light from Cyprus's lawmakers to explore for oil and gas the offshore areas south of the island.

read more... 20/03/2017


France's Total interested in $4 bln Iranian gas project

France-based oil and gas company Total is eyeing a 50% stake in the $4 billion project in Iran's giant South Pars gas field.

read more... 20/03/2017


Siemens supplies power turbines to Russian company Technopromexport

Germany's Siemens supplied four gas turbines to Technopromexport’s power plant in Russia.

read more... 17/03/2017


Poland: Baltic Pipe gas project to become operational by 2022

Poland's state-run oil and gas firm PGNiG is convinced that a new pipeline system to import gas from Norway via Denmark and the Baltic Sea will be ready by 2022.

read more... 15/03/2017
