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Scotland sets a new target to decarbonise power sector by 2030

Scotland established a target to cut carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2030, while pointing out the huge market for offshore wind beyond 2020, with First Minister Alex Salmond criticizing the U.K. government for disregarding such a target.

read more... 19/11/2013


China to set a cap on its CO2 emissions by 2016

The world's biggest producer of carbon dioxide intends to set a cap on its greenhouse gas emissions for the first time. China is planning an absolute emissions cap for the period 2016-2020, and is also looking at emissions targets for 2030 and 2050.

read more... 18/11/2013


Daily: Brent crude boosted by Federal Reserve expectations

Brent crude oil prices boosted on Thursday, pushed up by disruption to Libyan output, while U.S. crude dropped as gasoline showed the largest gain of the day, but both markets received support from expectations that Federal Reserve would keep stimulus measures in place.

read more... 15/11/2013


Germany could miss its 2020 offshore wind power target

Germany is on the way to miss its target for offshore wind power expansion in the North Sea as expansion is not moving ahead as planned. Dutch transmission system operator Tennet stated that new offshore wind capacity in the North Sea is to be limited to 7 GW by 2023, as current targets are unrealistic.

read more... 13/11/2013


China to curb its CO2 emissions by 2016

China, the world's biggest producer of carbon dioxide emissions, intends to set a cap on its greenhouse gas emissions for the first time. China is planning an absolute emissions cap for the period 2016-2020, and is also looking at emissions targets for 2030 and 2050.

read more... 04/11/2013
