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Greece, Israel and Cyprus move forward with a natural gas pipeline from Israel to Europe

Greece, Israel and Cyprus declared on Thursday they would accelerate plans for the development of a pipeline conveying gas to Europe from recently discovered east Mediterranean reserves.

read more... 16/06/2017


CAPEX of scheduled Poland-Denmark gas connection up to 2.1 bln euros

Poland's Gaz-System declared on Tuesday that the total CAPEX linked to the construction of the new gas pipeline to Denmark, known as the Baltic Pipe, is expected at 1.6 billion-2.1 billion euros ($2.36 billion).

read more... 07/06/2017


BP gives approval to $500 million gas project offshore Trinidad

BP has given the authorization for its $500 million Angelin offshore gas field development in Trinidad and Tobago to help counterbalance decreasing production in one of the company's major hubs.

read more... 05/06/2017


Italy: Eni inked an $8 billion deal to develop a gas field off the coast of Mozambique

Italian energy company Eni inked an agreement valued at $8 billion on Thursday to develop the Mozambique’s Coral South field, discovered in May 2012, which contains about 450 billion cubic meters, or 16 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas.

read more... 02/06/2017


Black Sea Oil & Gas will launch offshore gas production in 2019

Black Sea Oil & Gas declared it plans to launch production at two gas fields off Romania by 2019, becoming the first company to tap the country's vast offshore resources.

read more... 29/05/2017
