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Daily (25.09.2023): Gas prices surged to a one-month high due to Norwegian maintenance and strong LNG demand

Oil prices were rather stable on Friday, marked by high volatility following Russia's suspension of diesel and gasoline exports, and the FED announcing the possibility of another interest rate hike. As a result, Brent crude was traded at $93.27 a barrel, while WTI crude edged 0.5% up to end at $90.03 a barrel.

read more... 25/09/2023


EU set to demand e-fuel cars have no climate impact

The European Union is set to demand that cars running on e-fuels must be 100% carbon neutral if they are to be sold beyond 2035, a draft document showed, after Germany demanded e-fuel cars be exempted from the phase-out of new polluting vehicles.

read more... 25/09/2023


Egyptian solar and wind to boost Britain’s energy supply

Britain will reportedly import electricity generated by solar and wind farms located in the sun-soaked landscapes of Egypt.

read more... 25/09/2023


Russia dodges G7 price cap sanctions on most of its oil exports

Russian crude oil supplies increased 50% this spring despite the G7 countries imposing sanctions due to war in Ukraine, the Financial Times reported on Sunday citing data from analytics company Kpler.

read more... 25/09/2023


Daily (22.09.2023): European carbon prices soared amid strong auction and bullish gas

Oil prices remained fairly stable on Thursday, as Russia's announcement of restrictions on its gasoline and diesel exports was counterbalanced by concerns over global demand. As a result, Brent crude settled 0.3% lower at $93.30 a barrel, while WTI crude stabilized at $89.63 a barrel.

read more... 22/09/2023
