Latest news

Australia to support EU ban on Iranian oil

Australia will adopt the same position as EU concerning the ban of Iranian oil imports, in n a sign of protest against the Islamic republic's unacceptable nuclear program, the Foreign Affairs Minister, Kevin Rudd, says.

read more... 25/01/2012


Iran faces tougher EU oil sanctions

Europe will announce new oil sanctions on Iran on Monday, involving the ban on Iranian oil imports and also a restriction of Iran’s exchanges in gold and precious metals.

read more... 23/01/2012


Norway granted 60 oil production licenses in mature fields

The Norwegian government has decided to award 60 production licenses to 42 oil companies in the Awards in Predefined Areas round for 2011 (APA 2011), while 27 of them were granted operatorships.

read more... 18/01/2012


Bulgaria refuses to pay Russia for Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline

The Bulgarian Prime Minister announced that Bulgaria has no intentions to pay a single penny as to reimburse Russia for the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project.

read more... 12/01/2012


Statoil makes a new major oil discovery in Barents Sea

The Norwegian oil giant, Statoil has made an important oil discovery at its Havis prospect in the Barents Sea, being the second major oil find in less than a year.

read more... 11/01/2012
