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Daily (30.03.2022): British gas prices moved upwards on Tuesday amid fears of a Russian shutdown of gas supply to the EU

Oil prices retreated on Tuesday as talks between Russia and Ukraine to end their weeks-long conflict progressed, though Moscow negotiators said a promise to scale back some military operations did not constitute a ceasefire. New lockdowns in China put additional pressure on oil prices. Hence, Brent crude declined by 2%, to settle at $110.23 a barrel. US WTI crude decreased by 1.6%, to close at $104.24 a barrel.

read more... 30/03/2022


EU solar ready to ramp up to cut Russian gas imports

The EU’s solar photovoltaic sector is ready to ramp up capacity to help cut Russian gas imports with the right political and regulatory support, lobby group Solar Power Europe said on Tuesday.

read more... 30/03/2022


EU member states required to fill gas storage by 90% under new proposals

The European Commission has proposed new legislation that will require EU member states to fill their gas storage by at least 80% before next winter, increasing to 90% for the following years.

read more... 30/03/2022


E.ON and Australia's FFI to explore green hydrogen shipments to Europe

Germany's largest energy group E.ON on Tuesday signed a memorandum of understanding with the green power arm of Australian miner Fortescue Metals to explore shipping green hydrogen to Europe and help wean itself off Russian gas.

read more... 30/03/2022


Moscow hardens stance on rouble gas payments from Europe

Russia is working out methods for accepting payments for its gas exports in roubles and it will take decisions in due course should European countries refuse to pay in the Russian currency, the Kremlin said on Monday (28 March).

read more... 29/03/2022
