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Three German energy giants claim a €19bn compensation for nuclear closure

German utility giants E.ON, RWE and Vattenfall and government clashed at a court hearing over the country's controversial decision to phase out all nuclear plants by 2022 aftermath the dramatic incident at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011.

read more... 16/03/2016


Brazil: Installed power capacity to increase by 7, 739 MW this year, driven by hydropower

Brazil’s installed generating capacity is set to increase by 7, 739 MW in 2016, with 65% of that hike originating from hydro plants, Ministerio de Minas e Energia stated in its latest power sector bulletin.

read more... 14/03/2016


EDF and China’s CGN obtain EU authorization for Hinkley

The projected partnership between EDF and China’s CGN for nuclear projects in the UK has been given the approval by the European Commission.

read more... 11/03/2016


Amec Foster Wheeler will vend GPG division, halve net debt in 15 months

British oil and gas services firm Amec Foster Wheeler Plc declared it would sell its Global Power Group division since it exits several of its non-core assets and halve its net debt in the next 15 months.

read more... 11/03/2016


Hungarian power exchange starts intraday market trading

Hungarian Power Exchange HUPX has started intraday trading services, it said in a statement on Wednesday, adding that the new service would allow the trade of hourly blocks and intraday 15-minute products.

read more... 10/03/2016
