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Global electricity sector emissions might hit a peak in 2026

Global emissions of greenhouse gases from the electricity sector are likely to peak in 2026, but will still be above levels required to limit temperature increases according to the Paris climate dealt, as shown in a research on Thursday.

read more... 16/06/2017


Statkraft will start sale of its stakes in two UK wind parks

Norway's state-owned electricity company Statkraft will this month offer for sale its stakes in two wind parks off Britain's coast, Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon, and wants to reach an agreement early in 2018, as stated by a spokesman for the firm on Tuesday.

read more... 15/06/2017


Norway: first offshore drilling rig using 100% onshore power to cut emissions

An offshore drilling rig will be powered entirely from electricity produced onshore which could be a world first in a move to reduce dioxide emissions.

read more... 12/06/2017


Scotland: Wind energy met 95% of household electricity demand

Scotland moves towards its ambitious renewable energy goals, with wind and solar generation output touching new record highs in May.

read more... 12/06/2017


Summer heatwaves will test electricity grids in Italy and Poland

Sustained heatwaves this summer might create problems for Italian and Polish power networks, potentially causing interruption to supply, but many of other grids in Europe seem to be ready, an electricity network lobby group warned on Wednesday.

read more... 08/06/2017
