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Ireland reached new record level of wind output

According to the Irish Wind Energy Association, Ireland has currently reached a record level of wind power output of about 1,540 MW, corresponding to about 36% of the demand, which should be enough to power with electricity about 1 million households. The record was achieved at the same time as a new all-island record was also set for energy generation, with levels reaching 1,917MW on the island of Ireland, which should be enough to power more than 1,246,000 homes. The statistics also show that the average wind contribution on this day was almost 40% of system require.

read more... 29/03/2013


Solar 21 acquires another Italian solar park

Solar 21 Renewable Energy Ireland Ltd, a Dublin-based investment firm has acquired another Italian solar park, bringing to seven the number of solar parks that the Irish company holds in Italy, after it has acquired another six solar projects which were owned by AEG Power Solutions, in November last year.

read more... 25/03/2013


Ireland to create a fund for energy efficiency projects

Pat Rabbitte, the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, has announced on this week that the Government has approved his proposal to institute an Energy Efficiency Fund (EEF). The €35 million fund will lend cash to the public and commercial sectors for energy efficiency projects. The Irish Government expects the cash will be matched by the private sector to make a total of €70 million which will be accessible to interested businesses.

read more... 22/02/2013


UK could face energy fines from the European Commission

According to reports, the UK could face more than a quarter million pounds in fines because of the UK’s failure to apply the EU internal energy sector policy in Northern Ireland. Although two warnings Britain has still failed to obey with two measures proposed to open up energy competition for the benefit of the European energy sector and its consumers.

read more... 30/01/2013


Ireland to power millions homes in UK through wind power

Irish Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte, and his British counterpart, Ed Davey, are to sign an agreement to export wind energy from Ireland to power millions homes in the UK. Ireland has agreed to sell wind energy to Britain in a move that could create thousands of jobs by 2020.

read more... 25/01/2013
