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Lukoil reveals major investments in oil refining and petrochimical

Russian energy major, Lukoil announced its plans to invest $25 billion in oil refining and petrochemistry both in Russia and abroad in the next 10 years, said Lukoil head Vagit Alekperov .

read more... 13/09/2011


UK Government to boost renewable heat market

The UK Government announced a financial support for renewable heat market, called as Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) which will represent of £15 million to be allocated as investments into various renewable heat systems for householders between now and 2012.

read more... 26/08/2011


Thames Water delivered 450 kW solar panels to British desalination plant

Thames Water, has commissioned 450 KW arrays of solar panels at its water desalination plant (Beckton), as a part of Britain’s biggest on-site solar power producer and industrial user situated on 150,000 m³/d area. According to the 25-year contract and worth £7 million, Ennoviga Solar Ltd, has created an investment company that will own and maintain the solar park, and will recover its investments by selling the green power produced to the water company.

read more... 09/08/2011


GDF Suez to ink a deal with China Investment Corp

GDF Suez is near to ink a deal in which China Investment Corp. (CIC) would take a 30% stake in the French energy company's exploration and production business for as much as €3billion ($4.3bn).

read more... 09/08/2011


Total to sell its 48.83% stake in Spain

The French giant Total has announced the sale of 48.83 percent in Compania Espanola de Petroleos SA, or CEPSA, to International Petroleum Investment Company ( IPIC).

read more... 05/08/2011
