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Indian government to end tax break for wind installations

The Indian government has decided to finally end the tax break given to wind power projects, move that could discourage new energy investment on world’s third-largest market for turbine producers.

read more... 04/04/2012


German major shift from nuclear to renewables: myths and realities

Germany’s government is planning an unprecedented investment in its energy infrastructure, including wind and solar, in the wake of its decision to phase out nuclear power by 2022.

read more... 28/03/2012


Brazil to expand solar power with new regulations

Brazil, the country which has long been a leader in the production of ethanol and strived to become an international force in wind energy, has decided to make an important investment in solar energy.

read more... 20/03/2012


UK to cut its 2030 renewable energy target

Some experts consider UK could miss its renewable energy target, fact that presses the government to reduce its 2030 renewable target. The new released reports show that country’s energy sector suffered a disappointment with certain feed-in tariffs being attacked. Besides that, the government is planning nuclear energy to give parity across Europe. It could threaten investment climate in the renewable industry, but support the development of nuclear power in Britain.

read more... 15/03/2012


Enel to cut costs in order to reduce debt

Enel plans cuts in its dividend payouts and investments over the next five years in order to diminish its debt and keep its credit rating. Mentioning over the share price fall, Fulvio Conti, the chief executive announced the 2012-16 business plan which establishes lower expected growth targets amid a cloudy outlook for Italy and Spain which was needed to clear the situation.

read more... 09/03/2012
