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EDF’ s Edison will acquire Eni’s Italian energy retail business

Italian energy group Edison, a unit of French utility EDF is interested in acquiring oil company Eni’s retail business.

read more... 29/11/2016


EIB will offer a funding for Polish power utility Energa's network

Polish state-controlled utility Energa declared on Wednesday it plans to issue hybrid bonds estimated at 250 million euros ($263 million) to the European Investment Bank (EIB) to finance investment in its electricity distribution network.

read more... 24/11/2016


SSE does not plan to increase energy prices this winter

SSE has announced it won’t be raising standard household energy prices this winter.

read more... 21/11/2016


French EDF acquires Areva's reactor assets

French state-owned power utility EDF signed a contract on November 15 to acquire loss-making Areva’s nuclear reactors in a deal worth 2.5 billion euros ($2.7 billion).

read more... 16/11/2016


China seeking to participate in Areva restructuring

Chinese firms are seeking to participate in the restructuring of French state-run nuclear conglomerate Areva, Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai announced reporters on Monday.

read more... 15/11/2016
