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Italy reviews its renewable incentives

Over the last decade, the European PV market has shown a rapid growth. According to a report released this spring by EPIA, the new PV installations in Europe totaled 12.5 GW (21 % of new power generating capacity) overtaking data on new wind power installations.

read more... 27/05/2011


Italy on the third place in the European PV market

According to a released report this spring by EPIA, European solar power capacity exceeded wind power this year with new PV installations totaled 12.5 GW (21% of total new power generating capacity in Europe).

read more... 23/05/2011


Enfinity to complete two solar projects

One of the largest French renewable energy companies, Enfinity, will complete the construction of two solar projects in Les Mees (France) worth 70 million Euros, at construction of which will involve around 350 people. The solar plants, situated on a plateau at an altitude of 800 metres, will cover a surface of 36 hectares with 79,000 modules with a total installed capacity of 18.2 MW.

read more... 19/05/2011


Gazprom and Total to jointly explore Bolivian energy fields

According to the head of Bolivian energy company, YPFB, declarations, Bolivia and Gazprom may sign an agreement within the next weeks to allow Gazprom to explore of hydrocarbons.

read more... 19/05/2011


Major sale agreement between Canadian Solar and German Saferay

Recently, one of the major solar module producers, Canadian Solar, has inked a sale agreement with a German based company, Saferay GmbH for a fixed price for solar projects to be developed in Germany. Under the present agreement, the Canadian company is expected to deliver solar modules with the total capacity of 81 MW by the end of the third quarter 2011.

read more... 17/05/2011
