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Germany’s Bundestag approves nuclear waste deal with four utilities

An overwhelming majority in Germany's lower house of parliament has approved a new law on Thursday which will oblige country’s top utilities pay into a 23.6 billion-euro ($24.8 billion) state fund from next year in return for shifting the liability for nuclear waste storage to the government.

read more... 16/12/2016


ERBD to grant $135m loan to enhance power distribution in north-western Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is extending $ 134.75m loan to three Turkish electricity companies, the Trakya Electricity Distribution Company (TREDAŞ), the Trakya Electricity Retail Company (TREPAŞ), and to their parent company, IC İçtaş Elektrik (ICEL), as part of its moves to enhance reforms in the country’s electricity sector.

read more... 14/12/2016


EDF advances relaunch of three reactors involved in safety investigation

French utility EDF has advanced the relaunch date of three nuclear reactors involved in a safety investigation, signaling it may have obtained the authorization from safety regulator ASN to restart production.

read more... 12/12/2016


German power giants entitled for compensation after accelerated nuclear shutdown

Germany's Federal Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday that the government must compensate utilities as it hastened the closure of nuclear power in the country aftermath Japan’s Fukushima disaster in 2011.

read more... 07/12/2016


Amazon wishes to transform Italy power stations into data centres

Amazon is in negotiations with utility Enel over the conversion of old electricity stations in north and central Italy into data centres since it tries to extend its profitable cloud services business in the country.

read more... 01/12/2016
