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UK’s electricity grid needs an investment of 1.6 billion pounds to switch to a smart grid

UK‘s electricity grid is facing the biggest challenge since 70 years and will need an investment of up to 1.6 billion pounds ($2.56 billion) to switch to renewable energy capacity, according to a report commissioned by the Energy Networks Association (ENA) on behalf of the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the industry regulator Ofgem. The report comes amid growing concern over Britain’s future ability to meet electricity demand.

read more... 08/11/2012


Poland to choose between nuclear power and gas

Poland is going to scrap its nuclear programme in favor of shale gas as a less risky investment option, according to the head of Polish state-owned utility PGE.

read more... 05/11/2012


Norway: Statoil to connect its onshore power to North Sea fields

Norwegian energy giant Statoil envisages connecting onshore power to some North Sea oil and gas fields by 2018, move which will cost 10 billion crowns ($1.75 billion) investment that could potentially slash its future tax bill.

read more... 02/11/2012


Spanish utility Iberdrola to sell 5 bilion euros in assets to curb its debt

Spain’s largest utility Iberdrola is planning to slash investments and to sell as much as 5 billion euros ($6.5 billion) in assets as part of a strategic plan that aims to curb debt and maintain profitability.

read more... 25/10/2012


Global clean energy investment to register a significant decrease in 2012

Global clean energy investment for 2012 is likely to fall short of last year’s 280 billion dollars. According to BNEF, global investment in clean energy came to 56.6 billion dollars in the third quarter of 2012, a 20% decrease in comparison to 2011, being the first annual decline within the last 8 years.

read more... 12/10/2012
