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The new U.K. electricity reform may cover nuclear subsidy

The Energy and Climate Change Committee (ECCC) warned the new planned electricity reform in U.K. is hiding a subsidiary system for the nuclear industry.

read more... 17/05/2011


Tax hike on North Sea oil industry might hit investor confidence

Oil and gas industry leaders have met on Wednesday to energy Select Committee in London as to make a final attempt to convince the Government to modify its decision regarding a tax hike of £10bn on North Sea energy companies warning that it could have austere implications on energy industry. industry.

read more... 05/05/2011


USA to host the largest annual wind energy event, WINDPOWER 2011

One of the most important events of the 2011 will take part during May 22-25 at the American Anaheim Convention Center which will assist about 20,000 of wind industry players, government officials such as Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, the Congressman Earl Blumenauer, the CNN Founder Ted Turner and other important wind business personalities.

read more... 04/05/2011


Saipem won a $1bn offshore deal in China and Brazil

Saipem, an Italian oil and gas industry contractor which is a subsidiary of Italian energy company Eni, has been awarded offshore contracts worth more than $1 billion in China and Brazil.

read more... 04/05/2011


Italy to extend solar incentives until 31 August

According to declarations of the undersecretary of the Italian Industry Ministry, Stefano Saglia, the government will prolong the solar incentives scheme until August 31, despite the disagreement of the Regions on new solar power supportive scheme.

read more... 29/04/2011
