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EDF looks partners to share costs of new nuclear plants in the UK

EDF of France, the world’s largest supplier of atomic energy by kilowatt hours, is considering looking for more partners to share the financial costs of its project to build new nuclear plants in UK, following concerns that nuclear energy is getting more expensive.

read more... 01/08/2012


Centrica to invest £1.4billion in UK gas project

Centrica announced it will continue investing £1.4 billion in the Cygnus gas project, one of the North Sea’s biggest discoveries. The company said it would spend the money on its Cygnus gas field in -partnership with GDF Suez of France, creating up to 4,000 new jobs, and adding £ 600 million in tax revenues for the public purse.

read more... 27/07/2012


Gamesa to sell four wind farms in France and Germany

Spanish wind energy company Gamesa, has signed a contract to sell four wind farms, three of them in France and one in Germany, with a total installed capacity of 56MW. The farms will be sold to European Sustainable Power Fund 2, a renewable energy fund for institutional investors owned by German real capital asset manager KGAL.

read more... 26/07/2012


France: Nuclear waste to double by 2030

According to the country’s nuclear waste agency Andra, the stockpiles of nuclear waste in France are expected to double over the 18 years. Most of the waste will have low toxicity and a short life, while some of it will remain radioactive for more than two million years.

read more... 18/07/2012


French government to impose one-off 4% tax on oil stocks

France has recently revealed that it would impose an exceptional tax on oil inventories that will cost French refiners and distributors 500 million euros ($624 million).The move came to help country’s depleted budget, but it is likely to hurt refining industry.

read more... 11/07/2012
