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Daily: European coal prices register few changes amid thin trading

Brent crude rose towards $113 a barrel on Wednesday, while the U.S. benchmark jumped more than $1 to a five-week high after news of the scheduled start of a vital pipeline helping to ease a supply blockage at the country's main oil storage hub.

read more... 05/12/2013


Europe: Renewables share in power generation set to increase by 40% in 2020

The renewables’ contribution in Europe’s generation capacity is expected to increase to at least 40% by 2020, overtaking the capacity supplied by coal, natural gas and oil, declared the region’s grid operators group Entsoe.

read more... 29/11/2013


German coalition to reform the renewable energy law in 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) concluded a coalition deal envisaging curbing the growth of renewables and reforming the current controversial renewable support scheme in order to limit the increase of electricity bills to consumers by next summer, giving big utilities more time to adapt their business models.

read more... 29/11/2013


Coal consumption keeps growing in China

China is dealing with a big air quality problem, so recently the Government has announced that they will reduce their coal consumption share from its current 67 percent to 65 percent by 2017. China intends to convert coal in syntethic gas, but this will result in more carbon dioxide emissions released because converting coal to make synthetic gas and then combusting the gas to make electricity will double the amount of carbon dioxide emissions released in the atmosphere.

read more... 25/11/2013


UK to stop funding coal- fired power plants overseas

Ed Davey, Britain's energy secretary, has announced on Wednesday that the UK, as the US, would stop funding coal projects in developing countries. The objective is to cut greenhouse gas emissions and to encourage low-carbon development. The announcement was made at United Nations climate talks in Warsaw where the fossil fuels have been at the centre of a storm. About 90% of the Poland's electricity comes from coal, and the government has been resistant to EU calls to strengthen emissions reduction targets.

read more... 21/11/2013
