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Clean energy investments worldwide decreased 11% in 2012

According to a report released by Pew Charitable Trusts clean energy investments worldwide dropped 11% in 2012 to $269 billion from 2011 levels, weighed down by regulatory uncertainty and policy changes in big markets such as the US, India, Spain and Italy.

read more... 17/04/2013


Portugal: 70% of power consumption came from renewables in first quarter

About 70% of Portugal’s electricity requires came from renewable sources in the first quarter of 2013, according to the Portuguese grid operator Redes Energeticas Nacionais (REN). The new record could be due to the combination of favorable weather conditions and the country's investment in wind and hydro-electricity capacity.

read more... 12/04/2013


Solar 21 acquires another Italian solar park

Solar 21 Renewable Energy Ireland Ltd, a Dublin-based investment firm has acquired another Italian solar park, bringing to seven the number of solar parks that the Irish company holds in Italy, after it has acquired another six solar projects which were owned by AEG Power Solutions, in November last year.

read more... 25/03/2013


EU bank to provide 500 million loan to France

The European Investment Bank has decided to grant a loan of about 500 million euro aiming to help finance upgrades to seven of France's high-voltage and very-high-voltage power grid projects through 2016, the funds will help guarantee the quality and security of France's electricity supply, and would allow the country to add new-generation and renewable sources to its grid counting also a major investment in renewable energy sources.

read more... 22/03/2013


SSE has announced its retreating from Scotland-Norway Project

British utility SSE has announced it is retreating from a project to build a subsea electricity cable linking Scotland and Norway. SSE is one of the U.K.'s six major energy providers, and it added also that it will no longer have a financial involvement in the NorthConnect project as it intends to focus on investments in its domestic markets.

read more... 07/03/2013
