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Italian PV market to reach 12.5 GW by the end of 2011

Italian solar power market became one of the largest following the German one, immediately after introducing an incentive system in 2007. In May, the Italian government reduced the feed-in tariffs as to sustain customers. According to the chairman of industry body GIFI, Italy’s total PV installed capacity could rise to 12.0- 12.5 GW by the end of 2011, while the growth will slow next year.

read more... 24/10/2011


Scotland to allot 6 million dollars worth for renewables

As to contribute at the development of renewable projects, the Scottish Government will allot over 6 million dollars worth loan through the Community and Energy Renewable scheme. By putting into operation all the projects, with a total wind and hydropower capacity of 56 MW, Scotland will achieve its goal of 500 MW of green energy by 2020.

read more... 07/10/2011


Italy energy demand to increase 10% by 2025

Total energy demand in Italy is likely to increase from 177.5 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) forecasted in 2011 to 186.6 million toe in 2015 and 195.5 million toe in 2025 with Italian economic slowdown, following approval of the government's austerity plan, weighing on short-term energy demand and according to a recently published report by the Italian oil refining body Unione Petrolifera (UP).

read more... 30/09/2011


Mexico’s wind capacity to reach 556.5 MW

Acciona Energy ended the construction of three wind farms in Mexico with a total capacity of 306 MW, consolidating its position in the country as the biggest wind power assets company.

read more... 29/09/2011


Booming UK wind power to rival gas and coal operators

UK wind power capacity is expected to sharply increase by late 2012, up 50% to 8,500 MW, reaching about 13% of total installed capacity according to green energy industry group RenewableUK. As a result, gas and coal plants margins may suffer from high wind production over the next three years.

read more... 28/09/2011
