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UK on the way to reduce offshore wind power costs

Among several options of generating renewable energy, offshore wind power seems to be liked the most, even if it has been proven to be a quite expensive industry. Due to that fact, many investors refused to invest heavily into this energy sector.

read more... 13/03/2012


UK to put nuclear on the same footing with renewable energy after 2020

The UK government aims to put nuclear power on the same footing with renewable energy, move that could bring a huge blow for the renewable industry.

read more... 13/03/2012


Daily – Power down on coming milder weather

WTi and Brent crude oil futures continued to go down in post-settlement trading on Tuesday following industry released data which indicated an increase in domestic crude stocks at 4.6 million barrels previous week, much more as predicted in a Reuters poll. By 21:36 GMT, WTi crude for April delivery traded at 104.74 dollars a barrel, down 1.98 dollars, while ICE Brent crude for April delivery settled at 122.14 dollars a barrel, losing 1.66 dollars.

read more... 07/03/2012


Wind power takes fright as government reviews subsidies

The bright future of British wind power is currently under review as government is seeing to review the subsidies. According to Offshore Wind Developers Forum, it has recently guaranteed that British companies should provide more than half of the content of the UK’s future wind factories. If optimistic predictions for the sector are borne out, offshore wind industry could spark 3 billion pounds investments in the UK supply flow by 2022, sustaining over 45,000 long-term jobs.

read more... 29/02/2012


China to cut its energy use by 21% by 2015

The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced that China envisages cutting its energy consumption by 21% by 2015 and closing inefficient companies in more than 10 industries because of overcapacity, high energy consumption, and pollution.

read more... 28/02/2012
