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Mysterious Gas Reserve In East China Sea Floor Could Be A 'Ticking Time Bomb'

Seismologists and other researchers have detected a huge reservoir of gas off the coast of Japan underneath the waters of the East China Sea. This pocket may be one of several around the globe where conditions are similar. But the big questions are: Is the gas mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane (CH4)? And, why is it potentially a “ticking time bomb”?

read more... 03/10/2019


Kazakhstan to produce 80 bln cubic meters of gas by 2027

Gas output in Kazakhstan will reach 80 bln cubic meters by 2027, Prime Minister Askar Mamin said welcoming the participants of the KAZENERGY Forum, Kazinform reported.

read more... 30/09/2019


BP confirms ‘world-scale gas resource’ offshore Senegal

Oil major BP has confirmed a ‘world-scale gas resource’ offshore Senegal after drilling the Yakaar-2 appraisal well, using the Valaris DS-12 drillship.

read more... 23/09/2019


Bulgaria signs 1.1 billion-euro deal to build TurkStream extension

Bulgaria’s national gas transmission company Bulgartransgaz and Saudi-led engineering consortium Arkad have signed a construction contract worth 1.1 billion euros to extend Russia’s TurkStream pipeline which will deliver Russian gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine, the Associated Press has reported.

read more... 20/09/2019


Gas discovery in the Norwegian Sea

Equinor and its partners AkerBP and Wellesley Petroleum have found gas in the Ørn exploration well south-west of the Marulk field in the Norwegian Sea.

read more... 18/09/2019
