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Wholesale gas prices plummet 66% on strong renewable generation

Wholesale gas prices were 66 per cent cheaper in September than the same month in 2018, while electricity prices were also down significantly helped by strong renewable energy generation, a review by energy supplier Naturgy has found.

read more... 07/10/2019


Bosnia's Federation net electricity output falls 20% year-on-year in Aug

The net electricity production of Bosnia's Federation decreased to 729 GWh in August from 914 GWh in the same month of 2018, the entity's statistical office said on Friday.

read more... 30/09/2019


N. Macedonia's gross electricity output grows 35% year on year in July

North Macedonia's gross electricity production rose by an annual 35% to 525,685 MWh in July, the national statistical office said on Wednesday, citing preliminary data.

read more... 26/09/2019


Greece and Hungary to phase out coal by 2028 and 2030 respectively

Greece and Hungary have announced they plan to phase out coal-fired electricity generation by 2028 and 2030 respectively.

read more... 25/09/2019


Scotland ‘will soon generate 100% of its power through renewables’

Scotland will soon be meeting the equivalent of 100% of its electricity needs from clean energy sources.

read more... 24/09/2019
