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Italy plans to increase its crude oil production by 150%

The Italian government plans to boost the oil and gas industry, as part of its first national energy plan in more than 20 years and one of the major parts of this plan is development of the Tempa Rosa oil field in southern Italy.

read more... 06/11/2012


Onshore wind farms cost declines by 38 per cent in four years

The cost of operating and maintaining wind farms has plummeted 38 per cent over four years, according to new reports released by the wind industry and government, meaning that the cost is declining by about 11% a year, quickly approaching the cost of running conventional natural gas and coal-fired power plants.

read more... 05/11/2012


China to support solar power industry

According to some government sources and industry officials, the Chinese government is working on policies to support the connection of photovoltaic solar power producers expand in the domestic market and help the industry get through tough times.

read more... 22/10/2012


Norway to nearly double carbon tax on offshore oil industry

Norway envisages doubling carbon tax on its North Sea offshore petroleum industry, boosting its funding for the prevention of deforestation in developing countries and launching a new climate and energy fund of £1bn, according to its draft 2013 budget.

read more... 12/10/2012


Companies call for carbon emission targets

About 50 companies- investors, trade unions, environmental groups and industry bodies - have written an open letter to Chancellor George Osborne asking a target for how emissions should be slashed by 2030, arguing that a failure to show dedication to reducing carbon emissions may damage the economy and their commercial prospects.

read more... 08/10/2012
