China, the most polluted country in the world and with coal accounting about for 70% of the energy mix, decided to curb its coal consumption by 65%, while gas will be increased to 7.5% by 2015, according to China’s 12th five-year plan for energy industry.
read more... 03/06/2013
According to a report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the production of energy from coal is little by little regaining market share from natural gas-fired power generation. After years of cutting back on its consumption in favor of low-emitting gas, the world's largest economy to increase its use of coal, because of a probable increase of shale gas prices.
read more... 30/05/2013
UK should give up its coal-fired power stations if it wants to achieve its carbon emissions targets by 2020, recommended a report released by the think tank Carbon Connect.
read more... 24/04/2013
According to a new report recently released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) coal could become the world's top energy source by 2017 along with oil. The IEA expects an increase in coal demand all over the world except the US, where natural gas is replacing the black mineral as feedstock for the production of electricity.
read more... 18/04/2013
PGE, the Polish state biggest utility, has suspended its plans to build two new coal-fired power units worth $3.6 billion, citing weak demand and falling electricity prices.
read more... 08/04/2013