After the BP crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. authorities have been more restrictive in giving permits that allow companies such as Shell to make further drillings.
read more... 03/12/2010
Russia is currently working on modifying its legislation and framework to allow foreign companies to operate on their market.
read more... 02/12/2010
The Kurdistan Regional Government's minister for natural resources , Ashti Hawrami, announced Tuesday that they would only be interested in participating in the new Iraqi administration if these will make new hydrocarbon and revenue-sharing laws by June 2011.
read more... 02/12/2010
Uganda is set to build a refinery in order to meet the local oil demand of an estimated 25,000 barrels per day (bpd) and eventually afterwards supply up to 200,000 bpd for export.
read more... 01/12/2010
Egypt's Prime Minister, Ahmed Mohamed Nazif, was cited by a Ukrainian press agency announcing that the Ukrainian company, Naftogaz Ukrainy, received the green light for the exploration and extraction of oil in Western Sahara.
read more... 29/11/2010