UK Government together with the Treasure and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) launched consultations in order to transform the electricity market in the UK. The reform provides to increase the level of certainty for the investors, create fair conditions of competition, reduce the carbon emissions and protect household bills.
read more... 20/12/2010
British gas spot prices increased on Friday on freezing weather boosting heating demand. By 10:35 GMT, the day-ahead gas price was traded at 65,25 pence per therm exceeding more than one penny compared to the previous session and reaching the highest level since early February 2009. According to the National Grid data, Britain will continue to import gas from Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium to cover about 30 percents of its gas demand.
read more... 17/12/2010
Gazprom, the Russian giant will collaborate with South Stream Bulgaria AD in the South Stream pipeline project. The project which will be put into operation in December 2015 and it implies a 50 % stake from Gazprom.
read more... 17/12/2010
The reform arises from the advice of Committee on Climate Change which expressed its concerns about excessive carbon emissions.
read more... 17/12/2010
The shareholders and governing bodies of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) approved the budget for expansion of the Caspian pipeline, announced Chevron Corporation.
read more... 16/12/2010