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France fires up coal power in policy reversal over feared nuclear shortfall

France is to allow its last two operational coal-fired power plants to produce excessive emissions this winter to stave off the threat of electricity shortages resulting from the closure of some nuclear plants.

read more... 12/01/2022


New Czech government sees coal exit by 2033, backs nuclear power

The Czech Republic's new centre-right government will seek to lay the ground for a possible phasing out of coal by 2033, it said on Friday when it released its programme, while also supporting nuclear power as part of its energy future.

read more... 10/01/2022


World's largest coal port to be completely powered with clean energy

The world’s largest coal plant located in Australia declared it would be powered completely by renewable energy, part of a larger plan to decarbonize its business by 2040. 

read more... 07/01/2022


Poland hopes for progress in talks with Czechs over Turow mine

Poland hopes to make progress in negotiations with the new Czech government over the open-pit lignite Turow mine near the border, Poland's prime minister said on Tuesday, referring to the most serious spat between the two European Union members in decades.

read more... 29/12/2021


German coalition targets earlier coal exit

Germany hopes to bring forward its coal phase-out by eight years to 2030, boosting renewables' share of the generation mix to 80pc, the incoming government announced today.

read more... 25/11/2021
