Icelandic companies Carbfix and ON Power, subsidiaries of Reykjavik Energy, have received funding from the European Union’s Innovation Fund for the Silfurberg project. The grant is one of the highest that has been granted for a climate project in Iceland and amounts to about EUR 3.9 million (approx. ISK 600 million). This is the first time that an Icelandic project has been funded by the fund.
read more... 17/08/2021
The EU and Spain wants a shift to wind power by 2030 and European Commission has tabled the Fit-for-55 package, a series of legislative proposals to deliver the EU’s increased climate target of 55 per cent emissions reduction by the end of the decade. The package includes a higher renewables target and new rules to support the expansion of renewables and is in line with Spain’s green ambitions.
read more... 17/08/2021
The UK will pursue a technology-neutral approach to develop 5-GW of low-carbon hydrogen by 2030 in its much-anticipated Hydrogen Strategy, but said details on market mechanisms and carbon intensity definitions to support it would wait until 2022.
read more... 17/08/2021
Crude oil prices extended losses on Friday, on lowered forecasts for global oil demand from the IEA, due to the progression of the pandemic this year. Hence, Brent oil lost 1% at $70.59 a barrel and WTI crude fell by 0.9% to $68.44 a barrel.
read more... 16/08/2021
The government has today announced its intention to tighten rules around green tariffs.
read more... 16/08/2021