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Czechia replaces Russian nuclear fuel imports with US imports

The US company Westinghouse will supply both Czech nuclear plants with fuel, so the country can quit importing Russian nuclear fuel until the end of 2023.

read more... 05/04/2023


Daily (04.04.2023): The energy complex in a strong bullish mood on Monday

Crude oil prices increased on Monday on expectations that China would take steps to boost economic growth. At the same time, the OPEC+ group's unexpected announcement of additional production cuts lent further support. Thus, both Brent and WTI crude soared by over 6%, to settle at $84.93 and $80.42 a barrel respectively.

read more... 04/04/2023


Poland to spend big on power grid to meet renewables goals

Poland will need a huge upgrade of its power grids to cope with the transmission of energy from renewable and nuclear sources, a top official said on Monday, as the country set out an energy strategy that will see it shift away from fossil fuels.

read more... 04/04/2023


Germany to require a 26.5% cut to energy consumption by 2030

Germany's ruling coalition plans to require the private and public sectors to cut energy consumption by 26.5% by 2030 compared to 2008, a draft law seen by Reuters showed on Monday.

read more... 04/04/2023


French lawmakers propose tax credits, subsidies for green industry

France could offer tax breaks and subsidies for producing climate friendly technologies in the country, according to proposals on Monday from lawmakers preparing a green industry bill.

read more... 04/04/2023
