Latest news

Russian Oil Production established a record in March

Official data show that Russian oil production increased to a record high, from 10.08 billion barrels per day in February to 10.12 billion barrels per day in March. This was conditioned by factors, such as: rising demand and prices on the global market, the recovering global economy, etc.

read more... 02/04/2010


The largest solar project in Italy in 2010

SunPower, along with Sol.In.Build Srl, a majority owned subsidiary of Veronagest SpA, signed a deal to install 7 photovoltaic plants, of 16.4 GW, on across 63 hectares in Sicilian region of Italy, each plant having amid 1 MW and 3.5 MW.

read more... 02/04/2010


Rosneft aims for its first big overseas acquisition

Russian oil giant Rosneft aims for acquiring assets in four German refineries from Venezuela.

read more... 02/04/2010


SEE Acquisitions in gas sector.

Scottish & Southern Energy has agreed to purchase Hess Ltd assets in Northern Sea, consisting of 384 billion cubic feet of natural gas or 64 million barrels of oil equivalent and Central Area Transmission System (CATS) pipelines.

read more... 01/04/2010


Investment for the Nord Stream Natural Gas pipeline - the first phase.

Consortium Nord Stream, together with the shareholders - Gazprom, BASF / Wintershall GmbH, E. ON Ruhrgas AG, and NV Nederlandse Gasunie - have announced the successful achievement of fund raising for the first phase of a gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea. In the first phase, the total amount of funds increased to 3.9 billion euros, making possible the installing of the first pipeline as scheduled, in April 2010.

read more... 01/04/2010
