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German gas TSOs plan Polish, Russian capacity upgrades

Several gas transmission system operators (TSOs) plan to convert German interruptible entry capacity into firm capacity at the German-Polish border and on entry from Russian state-controlled Gazprom's Nord Stream and planned Nord Stream 2 pipelines.

read more... 12/08/2020


Daily (11.08.2020): Oil prices started the week on a front foot amid Saudi Aramco's demand optimism, upbeat Chinese economic data

Crude oil futures were on the front foot at the beginning of the week, driven by optimistic remarks about demand from the CEO of the world's largest oil company, Aramco and positive economic data from China. In this context, Brent crude for October delivery rose by 59 cents, or 1.3%, to settle at $44.99 a barrel on ICE Futures Europe. At the same time, U.S. WTI crude for September delivery soared by 72 cents, or 1.8%, to close at $41.94 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

read more... 11/08/2020


Polish solar capacity grows to 2.26 GW

Poland’s installed solar power capacity reached 2,261 GW on August 1, 2020, up from 882.6 MW a year ago, according to data available to the transmission system operator (TSO) PSE SA.

read more... 11/08/2020


Irish developer secures 194MW solar trio

Highfield Energy was successful with three projects in Ireland's Renewable Electricity Support Scheme auction

read more... 11/08/2020


Quicker offshore wind farm construction and geothermal mine water projects win funding

They are part of 17 projects that will receive funding of up to £500,000 each

read more... 11/08/2020
