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Brussels rules out double carbon compensation for EU steelmakers

“Several options are being considered” for the EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), which will impose a carbon price on imported goods coming into the European Union, said Mette Koefoed Quinn, a senior official at the Commission’s climate directorate.

read more... 26/03/2021


Suez ship congestion could delay 10 LNG cargoes to Europe

Dislodging a container ship blocking the Suez Canal, one the world’s busiest trade routes, may delay delivery to Europe of around 1 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on 10 vessels if the blockage lasts for two weeks, researcher Rystad Energy said.

read more... 26/03/2021


EU sees only marginal future role for natural gas

"Instead of waiting for the inevitable, it is better to adapt," Timmermans said as he briefed industry on legislative plans being prepared by the commission to ensure carbon neutrality by 2050. Electrification is the "end game in many areas", he said.

read more... 26/03/2021


Daily (25.03.2021): Crude oil prices gained 6% on Wednesday following the blockage of the Suez Canal

Oil prices soared on Wednesday, lifted by concerns over the supply of black gold due to the blockage of the Suez Canal. Furthermore, a mixed sentiment over the EIA’s latest report on US crude stocks lent additional support. As a result, Brent oil gained 6% to $64.41 a barrel and WTI crude rose by 5.9% to $61.18 a barrel.

read more... 25/03/2021


Iberdrola, EDF slam support for natural gas in EU's green finance rulebook

Two of Europe's largest power groups have called on the EU to refrain from backtracking on plans to essentially exclude natural gas from its green taxonomy, a guide for investors that is supposed to drive vast amounts of capital into climate-friendly activities over the coming decades.

read more... 25/03/2021
